13 January 2015

Choose a character and make his/her biography. No more than 90-100 words.


  1. I chose Albert Einstein.
    Albert Einstein was a German physicist of Jewish origin, later nationalized US and Switzerland. It is well known because it was and is considered the most known and popular scientist of the twentieth century.
    Giulia 2 ESO C

  2. I chose Jane Goodall.
    Jane Goodall is Doctor in Ethology from the University of Cambridge and Doctor honoris causa by more than 45 universities around the world, including two Spanish institutions.She has been honored with over 100 international prizes, including the prize of Prince of Asturias Award Investigation in 2003 in Spain.
    Jane Goodall has written more than 25 books and has produced over 20 productions for film and television.

    Written by: Naiara 2ºESO B

    1. Good job! This character is very important for today's women, because she is an human icon.

  3. Barbara McClintock was an American scientist specializing in cytogenetics. She received her doctorate in botany, led the group of corn cytogenetics and studied the chages that occur in the chromosomes during playback corn, showing by microscopy methods developed in her laboratory prosses as fundamental. Initiator of corn genetic mapping, described the firts linkage map of the genome and highlighted the role of telometres and centromeres. Due to its large level of scientific work, was aworded on several occasions.
    By: Zaira 1ºB

  4. Henrietta Swan Leavitt = born on July 4, 1868 and died on December 12, 1921 astronomy study was astronomy it was important to the story because discovered and catalog variable stars is the Magellanic Clouds that allowed him to discover in 1912 crefeidas of instriseca greater brightness. BY: Sofia Santana Artiles 1C.

  5. Ibn Al-Haitam is considered the founder of the scientific method, was a mathematician, physicist and astronomer Muslim who made important contributions to the principles of optics and the design of scientific experiments. He is considered the father of optics for his work and experiments with lenses, mirrors, reflection and refraction. He wrote the first comprehensive treatise on lenses, which describes the image formed in the human retina due to the lens. Alhazen is considered one of the most important physicists of the Middle Ages. He also conducted several studies related to the reflection and refraction of light, the origin of the rainbow and the use of the lenses (building called dark room).
    Fatima López Jamile 1B

  6. I choose Stephen Hawking.

    (Stephen William Hawking, Oxford, United Kingdom,1942). He is a British physical theoretical, cosmologist, astrophysical and scientific spreader. He studied maths and physics in Oxford University College, where he graduated in 1962.He did twelve doctorates in total.His scientific interest was the general relativity (the physics of the black holes).Stephen’s fame were originated with his opinions about the Universe’s study and with his discoveries in astrophysics. He had a lot of awards for all these things and he wrote some books too.

    He has a degenerative illnes (ELA) for a long time ago, but he had three children and he got married twice. He can talk with a machine and he can survived too thanks for the technology (so, this illness don’t stopped him in his intelectual activity). Now there is a film about this character in the cinema an I want to see it.

    Adriana Moreno. 2º ESO B.

  7. I choose Charles Darwin.

    He was an English naturalist who said that all species of life have evolved over time from common ancestors through a process called natural selection. The evolution was accepted as fact by the scientific community and much of the public life of Darwin, while his theory of evolution by natural selection was not considered as the primary explanation of the evolutionary process until the 1930 currently constitutes the basis of modern evolutionary synthesis. In modified form, Darwin's scientific discoveries are still the foundation charter of biology as a science, since they constitute a logical explanation that unifies the observations on the diversity of life.

    Judith Jurado. 2º ESO A.

  8. I choose Marie Curie.
    She was a physics, mathematics and chemistry Polish, nationalized French. Among other merits, a pioneer in the field of radioactivity, was the first person to receive two Nobel prizes in different specialties, physics and chemistry, and the first woman to be Professor at the University of Paris.
    Naiara 2º ESO C

  9. Albert Einstein was a German physicist of Jewish origin, later nationalized US and Switzerland. It is considered the most known and popular scientist of the twentieth century. Born on March 14, 1879 and died on April 18, 1955 at age 79.
    By: Aarón 1ºB

  10. Elegí a Zhang Henng
    Fue un astrónomo, pintor y escritor chino. Durante mucho tiempo fue astrónomo, el trazo uno de los primeros mapas estelares. Su trabajo mas famoso fue "El detector de terremotos" cual perfecciono en el año 132 d.C. El creo una máquina para detectar terremotos, pero realmente no era un sismógrafo, ya que detectaba donde iba a ver un terremoto pero no los media.
    El 78 d.C. nació y el 139 d.C murió a la edad de 61 años

    De: Ángel Bouso 1ºB

  11. He elegido a Galileo Galilei.
    Galileo Galilei nació en Pisa (Italia) el 15 de febrero de 1564 y murió en Arcetri el 8 de Enero de 1642. Era un astrónomo, filósofo, ingeniero, matemático y físico italiano.
    Dijo que la tierra no era el centro del universo, era el Sol y todo giraba alrededor de él.
    Rubén Bouso 1ºC

  12. Galileo Galilei was an Italian physicist and astronomer of the XVI and XVII century (born February 15, 1564 in the city of Pisa and died in 1642 at age 77) known for:
    - Defender, through the scientific method and risk his own life, the heliocentric theory of Nicolaus Copernicus.
    - Contribute to the development of the telescope.
    - Discover the four main satellites of Jupiter (called "Galilean satellites" in his honor.
    Melinda 2°ESO A

  13. Henrietta Swan Leavitt was a estadounidiense astronomer (Lancaster , Massachusetts, July 4, 1868 - December 12, 1921 ) studied Cafeidas variable stars whose brightness varies at regular periods , in the Observer of Harvard College. She discovered and cataloged variable stars in the Magellanic Clouds which allowed him to discover in 1912 that Cafeidas higher luminosity intríseca had long periods , showing a relation between.

    De: Fatimata Sow 1ºB

  14. My character is Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin was the fifteenth child of a total of seventeen brothers (four half brothers father and brothers rest of parents) .2 son of Josiah Franklin (1656-1744) and his second wife Abiah Folger. His training was limited to basic studies in the South Grammar School, and just to ten years. He first worked helping his father in the factory of candles and soaps property.
    De: Melania Mederos 1ºESO B

  15. My character is Hypatia, she was a philosopher and teacher Greek, natural for Egypt. Which excelled in the fields of mathematics and astronomy, member and head of the Alexandrian school in the early fifth century. Daughter of Theon astronomer Hypatia is the first mathematical woman who is reasonably safe and detailed knowledge. He wrote on geometry, algebra and astronomy.

    By: Mara León 1ºESO B

  16. My character is James Watson, is a famous for having discovered (mainly in collaboration with the British biophysicist Francis Crick and thanks to Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins) the structure of the DNA molecule, which earned him recognition from the American biologist scientific community through the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
    By:Carolina Artiles 1B

  17. Alan Turing was born on June 23, 1912 and died on June 7, 1954 was a mathematician, logician, computer scientist, and cryptographer British philosopher. He provided an influential formalization of the concepts of algorithm and computation: the Turing machine. During World War II, he worked in deciphering Nazi codes, particularly those of the Enigma machine and for a time was the director of the Naval Enigma of Bletchley Park section.

    By: Aarón Guedes 2ºB

  18. I chose Isaac Newton because something amazing about this man is that the area you touched transformed forever. Not only in physical or mathematical and why many know his name from the earliest schooling. But in theology and alchemy. His contributions in both are deep, revealing and worthy of full treaties. The image of Isaac Newton and an apple is a scene we've seen repeated ad nauseam and yet his work in theology and alchemy would give a unique sensibility, that very likely with her could perceive the world in a different way.

  19. My character is Albert Einstein. He was a German physicist of Jewish origin nationalized after Swiss and American. In 1905, as an unknown young physicist employed in the Patent Office in Bern (Switzerland), published his Theory of Special Relativity.

    Angie Torres López 1ºb

  20. MI personaje es Stephen Hawking. Nació en Oxford el 8 de enero de 1942. Es un físicoteórico, astrofísico, cosmólogo y divulgador científico. Además, padece una enfermedad relacionada con el ELA y esto hace que tenga m´ñas méritos lo que ha conseguido en su vida ya que casi no se puede mover y se comunica a través de un generador de voz.
    Jaime Martínez Santana 2ºA

  21. My character is Rachel Carson. She was born on May 27, 1907 (Pittsburgh, USA) and died on April 14, 1964 (Silver Spring, United Unisos, 57 years) it was a disseminator, biologist, ecologist and American writer. She began writing at age 8 and published his first story at age 11. She won several awards including: a scholarship Guggenheim, Presidential Medal of Freedom and the National Book Award.
    Ariadna Santana Díaz 1ºC

  22. Stephen William Hawking (Oxford, 8 de enero de 1942) it teórico Físico un, astrofísico, cosmólogo y divulgador Científico Británico.
    Es Miembro de la Real Sociedad de Londres, de la Academia Pontificia de las Ciencias y de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Estados Unidos. Fue titular de la Cátedra Lucasiana de Matemáticas (lucasiano Cátedra de Matemáticas) de la Universidad de Cambridge desde 1979 Hasta su Jubilación en 2009.1 Entre las numerosas Distinciones Que le concedidas Sido de han, Hawking ha Sido honrado con doce doctorados honoris causa y ha Sido Galardonado con la Orden del Imperio Británico (CBE Grado) en 1982, con El Premio Príncipe de Asturias de la Concordia en 1989, con la Medalla Copley en 2006 y la de la estafa Medalla de la Libertad en 2009.

    By: Alejandro Aleman Castellano 2ºESO A

  23. My character is galileo galilei. He was an astronomer , philosopher , engineer, mathematician and physicist Italian, closely related to the scientific revolution. His achievements include improvements to the telescope , a variety of astronomical observations , the first law of motion and support of the United Nations determinant Copernicanism.

    BY: Emily Castro 2º A

  24. I'm glad to see all these important people from different cultures and nations. I remembered Art's History lessons when I read Guttenberg at the beggining of the image. I was surfing in the Internet to say something significant in this comment, and I have recently discovered that Guttenberg didn't create the printing, who really did it were the chineses. Our dear Gutty only modernized it at XV' Century.

    1. It's right or am I wrong?

    2. Nassim, OLÉ YOU and OLÉ your English.
      Don't forget that Guttenberg created the printing or had modernized it justly in the half of XV century ;)

  25. Mi personaje es Nicolás Copérnico,fue un astrónomo Del Renacimiento que formuló la teoría heliocéntrica del Sistema Solar,concebida en primera instancia por Aristarco de Samos.Su libro De revolutionibus orbium coelestium suele ser considerado como el punto inicial o fundador de la astronomía moderna,además de ser una pieza clave en lo que se llamó la Revolución Cientifíca en la época del Renacimiento

    Nayara Melián Fleitas 1ªC

  26. My character is Stphen hawking.
    Stephen Hawking was a physical theoretical british. He is well know for writing three books very famous. He has 73 years old now and this retired.

  27. Mi personaje es Jane Goodall.
    Jane Goodall nació el 3 de abril de 1934 en Londres. Se crió en una familia de clase media y vivió su infancia y juventud rodeada de animales y soñando con escribir sobre los animales de África. A los 23 años viajó a Kenia, donde trabajó con el famoso antropólogo Louis Leakey, hasta que él mismo la envió a Gombe, Tanzania, con la misión de investigar por primera vez a los chimpancés salvajes de la zona. Con la compañía de su madre y un cocinero, Jane Goodall puso una tienda en la selva y comenzó un proyecto de investigación que duraría 6 meses, pero se ha prolongado por más de 50 años.

    My character is Jane Goodall.
    Jane Goodall was born on 3rd April 1934 in London. She grew up in a family of middle class and she spents her childhood and youth surrounded of animals and dreaming with write about animals of Africa. At 23 years old traveled to Kenia, where she worked with the famous anthropologist Louis Leakey, until he sent she to Gombe, Tanzania, with the mission of research for 1st time the wild chimpanzees of the area. With the company of her mother and a cook, Jane Goodall put a tent in the jungle and she started a proyect of investigation would last 6 months, but was extended por more than 50 years.

    Ariadna Viera, 1º C

  28. Marie Curie was a physics, mathematics and chemistry Polish, naturalized French. A pioneer in the field of radioactivity, was, among other merits, the first person to receive two Nobel Prizes in different specialties, Physics and Chemistry, and the first female professor at the University of Paris.

    Laura Ramos Morales 2'C

  29. alileo Galilei was born in Pisa (Italy) on 15 February 1564 and died in 1642. He was the first to use a reflector telescope. As a professor of astronomy at the University of Pisa, Galileo taught the accepted theory, in which the Sun and all the planets revolved around the Earth. Later, presented a new theory proposed by Nicolas Copernicus, in which the Earth and all the planets revolved around the Sun. The observations made by Galileo with his new telescope convinced of the heliocentric theory of Copernicus. Having been against what he said the church had problems.
    By: Iria 1C

  30. My character is Maria Curie :
    Maria Salomea Sklodowska-Curie, now known as Marie Curie. Born on November 7, 1867 and died on July 4, 1934. It was a physics, mathematics and chemistry Polish nationalized French. A pioneer in the field of radioactivity, was, among other merits, the first person to receive two Nobel Prizes, in various specialties,physics and chemystri, and the first female professor at the University of Paris.
    By: Gara 1°B.

  31. Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa (Italy) on 15 February 1564 and died in 1642. He was the first to use a reflector telescope. As a professor of astronomy at the University of Pisa, Galileo taught the accepted theory, in which the Sun and all the planets revolved around the Earth. Later, presented a new theory proposed by Nicolas Copernicus, in which the Earth and all the planets revolved around the Sun. The observations made by Galileo with his new telescope convinced of the heliocentric theory of Copernicus. Having been against what he said the church had problems.

  32. I chose Leonardo da Vinci, leonardo da vinci it was a famous florentine polymath, the italian renaissance. It was at once painter, anatomist, architect, artist, botanic, scientific, writer, esculptor, philosopher, engineer, inventor, musiciam, poet and urbanist. Born in vinici on 15 april, 1452 and he died in Amboise on 2 may, 1514 at 63 years
    By: Nuria hayoui 2ºB
