25 May 2015

Education by Sir Ken Robinson (2nd July, 2015)

This is a very interesting description of today's Education Systems.

13 May 2015

1º ESO - The Polar Landscape by Fatima and Nayara

It's very cold out there!

1º ESO - Rainforest by Tamán, Ángel and Rubén.

In the jungle!

3º ESO - The Spanish Population by Alexia and Kiara

Excellent job!

Spanish Second Republic in IES Josefina de la Torre

Long live the Republic!
Many Students and teachers in our high school decided to celebrate this. 
The Spanish Second Republic was one of the most important periods of 
hope and change in our history as a nation.

14th April, 1931

14th April, 2015

Some mates (Carmen, Natalia's, Carlos, Aday, Alejandro, Kiara, Alexia, Selena, Andrea,...)
read the historical Proclamation of the Second Republic.

Music, fun... and happiness.

SAULO helped us with his music...

and documents with history.
Thank you Saulo!

Kiara, Andrea, Selena and Lucía draw some posters.


Franco spoke in English!

The Spanish Dictator did it. And, of course, we can
speak a better English than him, can't we?

3º ESO - Migrations of the Past by Andrea and Selena.

Many years ago... people started to move!

2º ESO - Azarquiel by Marina and Tara.

A scientist from Al Andalus.

2º ESO - Ibn Al-Baytar by Marina and Laura.

Another very well known Andalusian Scientist.

2º ESO - Abu Al-Qasim Maslama by Marina and Denisse.

A very important Andalusian scientist.

12 May 2015

4º ESO - Is Adolf Hitler still alive? by Eva

Adolf Hitler died... but When or Where?

4º ESO - WASPS! by Jalisse

Women can fly!

4º ESO - An incredible interview by María Jesús, Marina and Lucía.

It's amazing! A journalist interviewed
both Adolf Hitler and a jew!