29 October 2015

Your Social Sciences teacher wants to know...

During this week, we have been studying the Islam. As we know, Muhamah was the most important character of that times, because he was the prophet of muslins. But, please... Can you help me?
When and how did Muhamah die?

22 October 2015

2º ESO - The Islam

This post will help you... to understand the Islam.

By Editorial Santillana.

By Editorial Santillana.

20 October 2015

2º ESO - This map shows how large the Bizantine Empire was.

The Bizantine Empire

By Editorial Santillana.

19 October 2015

1º ESO - Map Projections: Mercator versus Peters

 These are two very special map projections



Which one do you prefer?

16 October 2015

2 ESO - The Germanic Kingdoms

Thank you students... It was an amazing class. We spent our time with Germanic tribes/Kingdoms.
Did you like it? Please write your opinion and... can repeat it in English?

And, this is the map you should draw in your notebook
By Editorial Santillana.

14 October 2015

4 ESO - The Ancient Regime Society

What about this picture? This drawing represents a way of social organization which disappeared two centuries ago. Your Social Sciences teacher thinks states are better than classes. So... What do you think about that? Do you agree with him?

04 October 2015

4º ESO - ¿Qué papel debe jugar el rey en la economía? / What roll should the king play in Economy?

A. Smith basó sus ideas económicas en la libertad, pero ¿qué papel debía jugar el rey? / A. Smith based his economic ideas on freedom, so what roll should the king play in Economy?

by Editorial Santillana.

01 October 2015

3º ESO - Mi propia empresa / My own company

El profe no tiene claro conceptos relacionados con la actividad económica, tales como factores de producción, agentes, sectores y bienes económicos. ¿Eres capaz de explicárselo utilizando tu propio proyecto de empresa? / Your teacher don't know some concepts about Economic Activity, such as factors, agents or sectors. Are you able to explain it by using your own example of company?

2º ESO - La organización de la polis griega / The organization of the greek polis

El profe de sociales quiere saber cómo se organizaban las polis griegas? / Your teacher wants to know how was organized the greek polis?