14 October 2015

4 ESO - The Ancient Regime Society

What about this picture? This drawing represents a way of social organization which disappeared two centuries ago. Your Social Sciences teacher thinks states are better than classes. So... What do you think about that? Do you agree with him?


  1. I don't agree, because the social organization of the Ancient Regime was by states (with no privileged people and privileged people) that means that were closed states so people couldn't move to an higher o lower states, they were stuck according where you were born. So, if you were a burgeois and you had much money, you still been a no privileged and this implicated that you never will get a post of power, for example, by this reason. Also, the privileged people didn't pay taxes, they had post and lands, they could apply law and the no privileged people paid taxes, they didn't have lands... So that is pretty unfair and unequal socially and legally.

  2. Thank you Andrea. You've written many reasons and your ideas are very clear... Congrats.

  3. This was a unfair system because a very little group was previleged and the majority part of the people wasn't it... And the peasant (who were the bigger group) were so poor and were very mistreated (the paid taxes, worked so hard, didn't have riches,...) while a little group enjoyed of money, ... They had all that they wanted.. And were all bad.. They only thought in themself and didn't care what happened with the peasants .. The wanted more more and more but only to themself .. And also .. There was closed states so rich people (burgesie) wanted to enjoy of the privileged but they didn't can do it
    Carmen Mena

    1. It's very clear. Good job Carmen. Congrats.

    2. Emilio Martel Díaz 4ºC
      Congratulations carmen, I have liked your answer because I think the same about this topic.
      Keep it up! :)

  4. Hi!!
    I think that the Anciet Regime is inequitative and unfair because the people was organized in states that did not have the same rights.
    The group the privileged people were small and didn't pay taxes and the rest people were not privileged and paid taxes for that the privileged people lived their taxes.
    This is my opinion, thank you.
    Lucía Viera Ruano.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I desagree with you , actually I think that the Ancient Regime was a period of progress in the society , today we have that obey duties that make us more weak.

  5. Natalia Benítez Quesada, 4C:

    I don't agree, because the people couldn't move to an higher o lower states, for example,if you were a bourgeois with much money, you never could move to the state of privileged people.

  6. Ivonne Suárez Ramos 4ª B

    - I think that society is badly distributed. Because there are privileged and no privileged and they had to have family roots and I see it totally unfair. Also the people was organized in states that did not have the same right. It is also unfair because the privileged had lands and people didn't paid taxes and the no privileged didn't have lands and the people paid taxes. In the society of the Ancien Regime there are many injustices.

  7. Hi, ( Carlos Negrín )
    I do not seem fair that the privileged were those who had more money, not pay taxes and still had offices, land ... and the underprivileged, did not have much money and paid taxes, had no office nor land.
    I think a very great inequality, although the bourgeois were not privileged and had a lot of money, which angered them was that they could not be part of the privileged because the vertical immobility existed, (they were closed estates).
    This is my opinion.

  8. Kiara Rodríguez 4ºA20 October 2015 at 20:28

    I think equal with my partners , I don´t agree with that way to put the society in the 18th Century, is unfair , you can´t change your group because exist the vertical inmobility. If you were born in this time and you were a peasan , all your life you were a peasan.

    If I had been born in this moment I made revolutions too. For this unfair system , the bourgeoisie make revolution because the don´t like anything about this close groups. I know the bourgeoise only thought in their benefits ( can be part of nobility or had honors) but this is unfair and all the people must can change.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I think that this is the perfect society beacuse the people was divided according to their goods and I desagree with the Bourgeois revolutions that gave these changes of unjustice, like as the social iquality, the free opinion, and now all of we have duties and rights in our society, this is unforgivable!!
    Also I think that the states was the best way to organize the society and privileges.

  11. Hi everyone!
    In my opinion this form of organization never could help all the habitants both,so I desagree whith it, and this isn't good enough. While the states were closed the different states didn't have the same rights and duties so that the classes were better than the states because in the Ancient Regime people wanted to have privileges and not pay taxes. For this reason the Bourgeois Revolutions defends new laws with changes to be priveleged. The Social States of Ancient Regime were unfair.
    Thank u, and regards!!

  12. I not agree with the society of the old regime, because people have rights and we have to treat alike

  13. Hi!!
    I do not agree with the partnership formed 200 years ago, ordinary people worked to the highest in society, without any rights. Today, nowhere near that situation we live, there are social classes, the general population has the resources, support and above all rights, unthinkable things two centuries ago.
